زيت اللوز الغني بالفيتامينات أ ، ب ، د و هــ  يغذي ويرطب أطراف الشعر ويعيد بنية الشعر المتقصف ، ينشّط ويكثّف الشعر، يقلّل من تساقطه ويعزّز لمعانه.

زيت جوز الهند: غني بالفيتامين E والمعادن والبروتينات حيث أنه يرطب الشعر، يحارب  تلف الشعر ويحافظ على فروة رأس خالية من القشرة.


زيت الأرجان: الغني بالفيتامين هــ ، أوميغا 3 و 9 و مضادات الأكسدة التي تعمل مجتمعة لتقوية ، إصلاح وتغذية الشعر الجاف والتالف، كما تحمي الشعر من التصفيف الحراري والمؤثرات الضارة. إنه يعيد تألق وحيوية الشعر عن طريق منحه الرطوبة الدائمة كما يزيل بشكل فعّال تجعّد ، تقصّف وتكسّرالشعر.


زيت الزيتون: غني بمضادات الأكسدة والمعادن التي تغذي جذور الشعر، تعزّز نموّه وتحارب القشرة. فهو يجعل الشعر أكثر كثافة، سلاسة، لامع وصحي.


زيت الخروع: غني بالفيتامين ب ، الحديد والكالسيوم ، يكثّف الشعر ويعزز نموه، يحارب ترقق وهشاشة الشعر، كما يرطّب ويساعد على الحد من التقصف ويزيل بشكل فعّال تجعّد الشعر بالإضافة الى العمل على تخليص الشعر من الاوساخ والسموم.

زيت الجوجوبا: يساعد على الإحتفاظ  بالرطوبة والمواد المغذية داخل الشعر، كما يمنع تساقط الشعر ويقدّم الحماية من الأضرار الخارجية.

زيت رشيم (جنين) القمح: يتألف من الأحماض الدهنية ، والفيتامينات E و B التي تعطيه خصائص الترطيب ، وتساعد على تقليل جفاف الشعر وإضافة النعومة له. إنه يساعد على تحفيز الدورة الدموية لفروة الرأس وتكثيف الشعر.




Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil (Argan Oil), Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Olea europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Triticum vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil, Ricinus communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Parfum, Tocopherol. 


Coconut Oil: Rich in Vitamin E, minerals and proteins it moisturizes hair, reverses hair damage and keeps scalp free from flakes.


Argan Oil: Rich in Vitamin E, Omega 3 & 9 and antioxidants that work together to strengthen, repair and nourish dry damaged hair , protects hair against heat styling & environmental damage and restores brilliance to hair by infusing rich moisture while reducing frizz, split ends and breakage.


OLIVE OIL: Rich in antioxidants and minerals it nourishes hair roots, promotes hair growth and fights dandruff. It makes the hair thicker, smooth, shiny and healthy.


Castor oil: Rich in vitamin B, Iron and Calcium It thickens hair, promotes hair growth, prevents thinning, moisturizes, helps reduce split ends, tames frizz and draws dirt & toxic residues.



JOJOBA OILHelps retain moisture & nutrients within the hair, preventing hair loss and protecting from external damage.


Wheat Germ Oil: It is comprised of long-chain fatty acids, vitamins E & B that give it emollient properties, to relieve dryness and add softness and moisture to your hair. It helps to increase circulation to your scalp and thickens hair.


Almond Oil: Has vitamins like A, B, D and E it nourishes hair, smoothes hair cuticles to control shedding, promotes hair growth and thickness, prevents hair loss, and boosts shine.




Its gentle formula makes Correction 7 Hair Natural Oil is suitable for both men & women and all hair types.


مناسب للرجال والنساء -  يناسب جميع أنواع الشعر .

ضعي كوريّكشن 7 زيوت طبيعية على شعرك من الجذور الى الأطراف مع تدليك جيد للفروة ، يترك لمدة ساعتين قبل غسله بالماء والشامبو.


يجدد و يكثف الشعر.

ينشط، يغذي و يقوي فروة الرأس كما يحفز و ينشط بصيلات الشعر.

يؤمن الترطيب المثالي للشعر خلال اليوم ليصبح ناعم حيوي و متوهج.

غني بخلاصة الجنسنغ الأحمر، بالفيتامينات ب٥ ، البابونج و الصبار.

التركيبة اللطيفة لبلسم كوريكشن تناسب الرجال و النساء جميع أنواع الشعر و الإستعمال اليومي.

يجعل الشعر ناعم ولامع و يحميه من التلف. 

Aqua, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol, Panthenol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Behentrimonium Chloride, Dimethicone, Ceteareth-20, Citric Acid, Cetrimonium Chloride, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Parfum .

Panthenol: It is a derivative of vitamin B5 and is known as a provitamin. Panthenol is mostly used as a thickness and also as a humectant helps hair absorb and retain moisture which makes them shiny and more healthy appearing. In addition, the absorption of moisture causes the shaft of the hair to swell to accommodate the extra water - this makes thin or thinning hair appear thicker.

In addition, because Panthenol also spreads evenly on the surface of the hair strand, it forms a smooth film over hair cuticles that enhances light reflection and makes tresses look shinier and glossier. The smooth film also gives hair strands “slip” to discourage knots or tangles.

Another benefit of products containing Panthenol is that it helps to prevent breakage in your tresses. This vitamin derivative also restores elasticity to your strands.

Products containing panthenol penetrate the hair shafts as well as coating them with a protective gloss. This allows you to comb through wet hair easily, and you’ll be able to glide your comb gently through tangles to loosen them rather than pulling them out.

Dimethicone: It is a moisturizer that makes it a highly effective additive hair care products. It is also used as an emollient to make the surface of the skin more flexible and help the skin retain moisture. Once the hair is coated with products containing Dimethicone, stubborn snags, knots, curls, and frizzy hair can be combed through more easily.

بعد غسل الشعر بالشامبو، يتم تطبيق بلسم كورّيكشن بسخاء على الشعر بكامله ، يترك لمدة 3-5 دقائق. ثم يشطف الشعر جيدا.

·       يصلح ، يغذّي ويضيف القوة للشعر الجاف والتالف.

·       يحتوي على مضادات طبيعية للأكسدة التي تحمي الشعر من التصفيف الحراري والمؤثرات الضارة.

·       يعيد تألق وحيوية الشعر عن طريق منحه الرطوبة الدائمة كما يزيل بشكل فعّال تجعّد ، تقصّف وتكسّرالشعر.

·       لشعر لامع ، ناعم وصحّي المظهر .

·       التركيبة اللطيفة لكورّيكشن زيت الأرجان المغذّي للشعر تناسب الرجال والنساء وكافة أنواع الشعر.


Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil (Argan Oil), Tocopherol, Parfum.

Argan Oil also known as Moroccan oil, is made from the kernels of the argan tree fruit that grows almost exclusively in Morocco.


1-   First use: Before using the blow dryer or a styling iron on your hair, use Argan Oil as a safeguard to protect your hair from heat styling products.

2-   Second Use: Instead of using those high chemical hair styling products, use natural Argan oil to style your hair every day. Repetitive usage of chemicals on hair will damage hair shafts and the keratin protein naturally found in human hair.        

As well as offering long-term improvements in softness and strength, it gives hair an immediate gloss to it, and is a great way to tame frizzy hair into submission.

3-   After taking the shower, you can use a few drops of Argan Oil on your hair as a leave-in conditioner. Use it when your hair is still wet for the best results.

Its hydrating and moisturizing properties will work wonderfully on your hair. It makes an ideal conditioning agent since it makes hair soft and sleek and adds extra shine. Make sure to massage into the scalp and tips to promote healthy scalp, encourage hair growth and to treat split ends.

4-   If your hair is dry and lifeless, then use Argan Oil to massage your scalp.

Argan Oil has positive results in making damaged hair soft, shiny and hydrated.

As a scalp treatment for dry skin. Using Argan Oil on your scalp will nourish you hair and reduce dry scalp. You can leave the oil on your hair a few hours before shampoo.

“You can also leave it overnight if you have dandruff or dry scalp. Do this treatment twice per week to get rid of dandruff.”

“Using a larger quantity of Argan Oil as a hair mask means that as many of the nutrients as possible will be absorbed. This is a great treatment to use the night before a special event when you want your hair to be extra smooth, sleek and voluminous.”

التركيبة اللطيفة لكورّيكشن زيت الأرجان المغذّي للشعر تناسب الرجال والنساء وكافة أنواع الشعر.

ضعي كمية قليلة على راحة يدك، يتم توزيع الزيت بشكل جيد مع الأصابع ويفرك بلطف على الشعرالجاف أوالرطب . يستخدم يومياً. لا يتم غسله بعد الإستعمال.



يجدد و يكثف الشعر.

ينشط، يغذي و يقوي فروة الرأس كما يحفز و ينشط بصيلات الشعر.

يؤمن الترطيب المثالي للشعر خلال اليوم ليصبح ناعم حيوي و متوهج.

غني بخلاصة الجنسنغ الأحمر، بالفيتامينات ب٥ ، البابونج و الصبار.

التركيبة اللطيفة لشامبو كوريكشن تناسب الرجال و النساء جميع أنواع الشعر و الإستعمال اليومي.

يجعل الشعر ناعم ولامع و يحميه من التلف. 

Aqua, Carbomer, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide MEA, Panthenol, Dimethicone, laureth-4, laureth-23, Polyquaternium-7, Polyquaternium-10, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Hydroxide, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract , Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Parfum .

Sodium Laureth Sulfate: SLS is a detergent and surfactant creates a lather which makes products such as shampoo more effective cleaners also it has the ability to remove oily residues.

Cocamidopropyl Betaine: It’s made from coconut oil, as a surfactant it gently cleanses the hair by helping water to mix with oil and dirt so that they can be rinsed off. It reduces the potential irritation caused by other cleansing ingredients contained in the product. In addition, it produces a fatty layer on the hair that gets rid of static and provides emollient and manageability.  Because of its well-known foaming and moisturizing capabilities.

Cocamide MEA: It’s made from the fatty acids of coconut oil, it Works as a foaming agent and enhances the properties of the main cleansing ingredient contained in a surfactant While its foaming capabilities are not directly responsible for cleansing the hair, it allows the hands to efficiently work and spread the cleanser/shampoo across the surface, which in turn, helps the mechanical removal of dirt. It also provides excellent moisturization and conditioning to the hair.

Panthenol: It is a derivative of vitamin B5 and is known as a provitamin. Panthenol is mostly used as a thickness and also as a humectant helps hair absorb and retain moisture which makes them shiny and more healthy appearing. In addition, the absorption of moisture causes the shaft of the hair to swell to accommodate the extra water - this makes thin or thinning hair appear thicker.

In addition, because Panthenol also spreads evenly on the surface of the hair strand, it forms a smooth film over hair cuticles that enhances light reflection and makes tresses look shinier and glossier. The smooth film also gives hair strands “slip” to discourage knots or tangles.

Another benefit of products containing Panthenol is that it helps to prevent breakage in your tresses. This vitamin derivative also restores elasticity to your strands.

Products containing panthenol penetrate the hair shafts as well as coating them with a protective gloss. This allows you to comb through wet hair easily, and you’ll be able to glide your comb gently through tangles to loosen them rather than pulling them out.

Dimethicone: It is a moisturizer that makes it a highly effective additive hair care products. It is also used as an emollient to make the surface of the skin more flexible and help the skin retain moisture. Once the hair is coated with products containing Dimethicone, stubborn snags, knots, curls, and frizzy hair can be combed through more easily.

Laureth-4 & laureth-23: They are used in cuticle softener.

Polyquaternium-7: It is a very good detangler and provides slip for easier wet-combing. In addition it will add softness and shine to dry hair.

Polyquaternium-10: It provides film formation on hair and moisturization. It is non-irritating.

Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride: It is derivative of natural guar gum, Studies have found it to be an excellent conditioning agent proving effective at detangling hair and providing a smoother brushing experience.

Sodium Chloride: It enables the shampoo to rinse out better.

Sodium Hydroxide relaxers are very effective in breaking down the hair's bonds (straightening the hair) quickly. Because it processes quickly it is also the most commonly used relaxers by professionals.

Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract: Aloe vera can be used as a safe and natural treatment to prevent hair loss. It is great for both men and women to promote new hair growth, it stimulates the production of new hair.

The aloe vera plant is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that aid in restoring hair’s strength and beauty. It can can be added to favorite shampoos to deliver nourishing benefits.

The natural enzymes found in aloe vera can soothe and moisturize the scalp, helping to eliminate the scaly dryness that causes dandruff. It also helps to increase blood circulation in the scalp, which works to stimulate the production of moisturizing oils. Aloe vera also brings a refreshing and cooling sensation to the scalp.

Aloe vera acts as a natural conditioning agent that restores the hair’s sheen, luster, and shine. It not only makes the hair soft, but it also enhances strength and suppleness.

Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract: Chamomile has special properties that may help prevent hair loss. The yellow color of chamomile infusion imparts brightness and shine and lightened the color of hair.Chamomile tea has been shown to be effective in eliminating and preventing dandruff.  When your scalp is irritated it soothes the scalp so that dandruff is less likely to occur.  

 Panax Ginseng Root Extract: Ginseng may promote hair growth and reduce hair loss. Korean red ginseng is also believed to increase the number of dermal papilla cells in the scalp by preventing their natural cell death. Ginseng may also stimulate the scalp, encouraging hair growth. Ginseng is able to optimize the absorption of the nutrients needed by the hair.

Ginsenoside which contained in Ginseng can be used to strengthen hair roots, because Ginsenoside is the giver of extra nutrients, so it will help the hair roots become stronger.

Saponin content of which is an anti-bacterial compound in Ginseng can be used for preventing excessive dandruff caused by bacterial activity. So that the scalp can be clean and free from dandruff.

Cellulose contained in Ginsing, is strengthening the surface layer of hair, also can be used to protect hair from the sun that can damage the hair.

يتم تدليك الشامبو على الشعر الرطب وفروة الرأس. يوضع لمدة 1-2 دقائق. ثم يشطف الشعر جيدا.