

ينظّف عميقاً مع ترطيب متقدّم

  • ينقّي وينظّف بعمق من خلال إزالة الأوساخ والخلايا الميتة من الجلد .
  • تركيبة متميّزة غنية بحبيات بذر الزيتون الناعمة ، زبدة الشيا وخلاصة الصبّار .
  • يحفّز على إعادة إنشاء أنسجة جديدة .

Aqua,Mineral Oil, Stearic Acid,Olive Seed, Cetyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol , Glyceryl Monostearate, Shea Butter, Aloe Vera, Methyl Paraben,Propyl Paraben, Potassium Hydroxide, Fragrance, Vitamin E.

Aloe Vera Benefits

Rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and proteins, aloe is a natural humectants that helps support the moisture Balance of the skin. It has recognized its restoring, skin-soothing,and moisturizing properties.

Shea butter Benefits

Shea butter melts on contact with the skin and is well known for its soothing, moisturizing and protective qualities. Beneficial for all skin especially cracked, dry and irritated conditions. Shea provide a luxurious feel, nourishes the skin, and help maintain the skins elasticity.

Vitamin E Benefits

An antioxidant, is known as a dynamic weapon against premature aging and can help combat environmental pollutants.


Olive leaf and olive leaf extracts are recognized as anti-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. The health benefits of this leaf include improved blood circulation, which helps eliminate toxin accumulations, contributing to the skin’s healthy glow.

 ضعي كمية من المستحضرعلى بشرة نظيفة ثم افركيها بلطف بشكل دائري مع التركيز قليلاً على المناطق الأكثر خشونةً (المرافق ,الركبتين وكعب القدمين) , ثم اغسليها بماء فاتر. ينصح بإستعماله من 1 الى 3 مرات إسبوعياً.